Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Concrete Coming Soon!

Jason and I found out some great news today!  Our house is expected to close on June 10th!  Of course, we are thrilled!  There's evidence of dry-wall going up, and soon to come will be the concrete in the driveway and near our front door.  However, for the last couple of days it has been very rainy and wet.  Mixed with dirt = mud.  Probably not the perfect weather for laying concrete.  In fact I heard a nasty rumor that there may be some snow or flurries headed our way by the end of this week!  Snow in May?  Really?  We'll see!

Soon we'll have a real driveway!  On a side note...I love the brown shutters!  :)

The column will be surrounded by brick and concrete to the door to come soon!

My picture looks a bit crooked here but it was very windy and cold today.  (I was trying to hurry.)  It may take a bit longer for us to have a backyard...especially a backyard with grass.  Maybe this will happen by the end of the summer? 

Jason and I are wondering if our neighbor will have the contractor build their deck?  Looks like they had them put the brace on, so that could be a start for them.  We've decided to save a bit of money and do this ourselves at some point in the near future.  So, let us know if you have any experience building decks!  Food and cold beer will be provided for any helpers!

Only 35 days until we close on our house!  :)
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